Friday, July 16, 2010

9 Rules for GOOD Technology.

So Stephen Downes has 9 rules for good technology. You may be asking yourself, what is "good technology". Well, to me, I think what constitutes as "good" is; effective, meaningful, useful, quick, user friendly, and educational. Technology, as we all know, has a place in today's classrooms but it works best when it is seamless and easy to use. The rule that I thought was most valuable is rule number 7. "Good Technology is Personalized". I know that Stephen has a slightly different interpretation of this rule; but here is mine. For example, if you, as a teacher, came across a wonderful interactive fraction website, would you share it with your students who have already mastered fractions? Would you use a webquest about a topic that is not relevant, just because the webquest is outstanding? My point is only helpful and beneficial if it is meaningful. Just like state mandated curriculum, technology and software should not fall short of meeting these standards. It is important to carefully select appropriate technologies to accompany and enhance what the students are learning.

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