Sunday, July 18, 2010

Let's Not Talk, Let's Tweet!

While I 100% agree that technology must be utilized and implemented in the classroom in order to move forward in the field, I found the video about using Twitter in the classroom disheartening. Reason being? I feel as though college, and any educational setting for that matter, should be a platform where one is challenged, taken out of their comfort zone, intellectually stimulated and in a place of conversation and discussion (YES, discussion....not sitting behind a computer or phone without saying a word. Let's face it, kids / young-adults spend a lot of time using technology on a personal level (twitter, e-mail, blogging, surfing, chatting, facebooking, etc.), but is the classroom the time and place for this to happen. I feel as though technology is best utilized when it enhances the lesson and learning, not takes the place of it. In this video, I saw a lot of emotionless faces, and to me, the teacher was sending the message, "Hey kids, it's okay that you feel uncomfortable engaging in meaningful conversation, let's just type our thoughts instead." What about stretching yourself as a learner, stretching yourself as a student? However, I will say this, Dr. Kanki certainly went outside of her comfort zone with this class!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Canaan,
    I liked your blog about Twitter. I also feel that if students are not challenged and taken out of their comfort zone, then the learning process can be "hampered." My first experience with Twitter was kind of funny. It was overloaded or something like that and I wasn't able to get on. I wonder how much of those who were "twittering" were using it for educational purposes : )

